Thursday, August 9, 2012

No more Beagles, jumping on the bed!

Our dogs are absolutely, not allowed on the furniture (in theory ;).  However we must have forgotten to mention that to Sabrina, because this is what I found one lazy afternoon... 

Delicate girl that she is, she just knows the pretty ruffles on the side are for her sweet little head.  If this were Linus, the comforter would be upside-down and inside-out, the larger pillows strewn about and there would probably be a stain of drool on my decorative accent pillow!  SUCH a man ;)

And then the flashes finally woke her - sorry princess ;)

Bonne Nuit indeed.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Naked Beagle

My Linus
September 2007: I was so thrilled to finally have a dog - my beautiful, Beagle boy, Linus!  Having a Beagle was everything I dreamed of and more :)  And then... I came to realize something... something about my beautiful Beagle... he shed.  A LOT!!!  He still sheds.  A LOT!!!  I had NO idea Beagles  I was completely uneducated and under the (wrong) impression that short-haired dogs = non-shedding dogs.  Ha!  (Just in case you are wondering, short-haired dogs can and do shed.  A LOT.  It's just shorter ;)  

Linus has an extremely thick and lush, soft, white undercoat that causes his coat to be velvety soft.  It also causes him to shed excessivley.  Sabrina on the other hand has almost no undercoat,and while her coat is not as soft as Linus', it hangs on much better.

Note: I am receiving no compensation from Swiffer
 to mention their product, I wish.
Swiffer people: give me a call.
After going through more Swiffer dust pads and vacuum filters than I care to remember, I finally approached my groomer with the idea to have Linus shaved.  She owns Beagles as well and shaves them!  She never mentioned it to me as people do not typically shave Beagles, but it was something she was very familiar with and a pro at!

I give you, Linus Xavier Hart: The Naked Beagle.

Linus Hart - he doesn't have a middle name,
but if he did, it might have to be Xavier.

His middle-name is not really Xavier, I just thought it "sounded good" just now :)

When he is shaved, you can see just how much under coat the boy has.  He is almost snow white, except for the black stripe of fur down the middle of his back.  He looks just like a "reverse skunk"!  The first time we had it done, the groomer called me before I picked him up to warn me that "...your Beagle is white."  I had a small moment of panic when she called not really knowing what she meant or what to expect, but I LOVED it when I saw him.  He is just as soft with his buzz cut as he is with his long fur.

"Will anyone I know be seeing this picture???"

We have never shaved Sabrina because there has never been a need to.  Plus, I think she would be much too humiliated to be "naked".  She looks completely embarrassed just sitting beside Linus in this picture! 

A tiny fraction of the fur I remove from Linus
 via Furminator when he is not shaved.
(A great tool, btw.)  
If you are brushing and brushing your Beagle to no avail, I highly recommend a shave during the summer months.  He/she will be much cooler and your floors will thank you! 


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

HRH Sabrina

Her fourth birthday was May 19th - (she shares a birthday with Granny) - so this is not a birthday post, however it is a post about our little princess nonetheless!  She prefers the title of HRH, but to us she will always be Sabrin-o, as our little nephew used to say, or Sabrina: the girl with the extra toe ; )  {More on that later!}  Of course, Sabrina was named after the beautiful character, Sabrina, in the movie: Sabrina!  (Notice a theme here?  Watch this movie!!!)

Although they could not live without each other now, Linus was not so sure about our new addition when she first arrived on July 1, 2008.

"That is MY bed, aroooooo!"

Slowly but surely, they bonded and shared the bed. 

And in no time at all, Sabrina came into her own!

"Take THAT, Linus!"
Sabrina was the most wonderful addition.  She keeps us in stitches all the time!  She is so "bossy" and definitely rules the roost, yet she is also a sweetheart and can not handle being away from Linus for any length of time at all!  She paces and whimpers for "brother" if ever he is not by her side - ie: at the vet, at the groomers, etc.  

She is also a bit of a Nervous Nelly, jumping at any sound whereas Linus can sleep through a freight train passing! (...and he sounds like one too!  Anyone have a snoring Beagle??  HELLO.  You know what I mean!)

We LOVE this girl!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Linus!

Hands down, my favorite picture of Linus.

Today our sweet Linus turns five!  Linus joined our family in early September of 2007 at only 6 weeks and 6lbs.  Five years and 35lbs...(ok, sometimes 36, 38, 40, 42 oh dear!, 39, 37lbs) later, he is the sweetest boy imaginable.
(sister, sister, Linus, brother)

This is the first picture we ever saw of Linus.  Needless to say it was love at first sight!  He had a very bumpy start early on in life (and I will blog about that at another time), but he just grew and grew, healthy and strong!

Much to many people's surprise, Linus was not named after the Peanuts character Linus, he was named after the character Linus, in the fabulous movie Sabrina.  There is the original, or the remake.  If you have not seen it I highly recommend it for a snuggly movie night with your Beagle(s)!

The "teenage" years! 
Linus loves to play, and sleep, and eat, then eat some more.  Peanut butter and veggies are his favorite snacks.  I foresee both in his future today, along with a Frosty Paw ; )  
Our Regal Beagle
Happy Birthday sweet Linus!


Monday, July 30, 2012


Linus (R) & Sabrina (L)
Welcome to Two Fancy Beagles!  This is a little space on the web dedicated to the fanciest of dog breeds, (in my opinion anyways!), the Beagle.  I was inspired by the "I love Beagles" page on Facebook that I am a part of to chronicle the experiences I have with my Two Fancy Beagles, Linus & Sabrina.  As any Beagle owner will tell you, there are MANY memories and experiences to share and it is my hope that this will be a fun-filled experience!  I will share many pictures, memories, stories, tips of what works for us, etc.  And even though this is Two Fancy Beagles, I am really and truly just an over-the-moon-think-they-are-the-best-dog-lover that happens to own Beagles : )      


“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” 

- Roger Caras

DISCLOSURE: Any tips shared on this blog are things that I have done/tried with my own Beagles.  I am in no way skilled to provide veterinary advice and any information provided on this blog should not be taken in lieu of sound, veterinary counsel. 

Having said that, enjoy Two Fancy Beagles, I am so glad you stopped by!
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